Most women are likely to experience one or more of the reproductive health issues in this post. While some women are lucky enough to sail through their reproductive years without any problems, others face challenges that can affect their quality of life.

If you're currently dealing with any of these reproductive health issues, read on to understand more about your condition and what you can do to manage it.


Endometriosis is a condition in which the tissue that lines the inside of your uterus (the endometrium) grows outside of it. This condition can cause pain, cramping, and heavy bleeding during your period. It can also make it difficult for you to get pregnant.

To diagnose this condition, your physician can perform a physical exam and order tests to confirm the diagnosis. They can also use ultrasound imaging to look for endometriosis lesions.

There is no cure for endometriosis, but there are treatments that can help lessen your symptoms. These include medication, surgery, and lifestyle changes.

Common lifestyle changes may include:

  • Exercise. Physical activity can help reduce pain and other symptoms associated with endometriosis.
  • Diet. Some people find that making dietary changes, such as eating fewer processed foods and more anti-inflammatory foods, helps relieve their endometriosis symptoms.
  • Stress management. Stress can make endometriosis symptoms worse. Try to find ways to manage your stress, such as yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises.

Endometriosis can be a painful and debilitating condition, so talk to your doctor if you think you may have it. They can help diagnose the condition and recommend the best treatment options for you.


Fibroids are benign (noncancerous) growths that develop in or around the uterus (womb). They may vary in size, from very small to large enough to fill the entire cavity of the womb.

Fibroids are also called leiomyomas or myomas. It is estimated that 80% of women will have fibroids at some point in their lives, although not all women with fibroids will experience symptoms.

The cause of fibroids is unknown, but they seem to be influenced by hormones—specifically estrogen and progesterone. Fibroids generally grow during childbearing years, often shrinking after menopause when hormone levels decline.

If you have fibroids, you will most likely not need treatment. However, if you have symptoms—such as heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain or pressure, or difficulty urinating—your doctor may recommend treatment options such as watchful waiting, medication, surgery, or a combination of these approaches.

Treatment for fibroids depends on various factors, including your age and health, your symptoms, the location and size of your fibroids, your plans for pregnancy, and your personal preferences. If you have fibroids and are considering treatment, talk to your doctor to learn more about your options regarding men's health.
