If you have lost a few of your permanent teeth, you may be considering what replacement option you should choose. For individuals that would like affordable yet effective tooth replacement, dentures would be a good choice. Nevertheless, just because the process of getting your dentures is simple does not mean that you should neglect to care for your false teeth. Without the proper maintenance, your dentures will deteriorate prematurely, and you may also be putting yourself at risk of oral infections. The following are care and maintenance tips that you could use to keep your dentures in pristine condition.

Do not wear your dentures all the time

One of the first things to do once you get your dentures fitted is ensure that you get a break from wearing them. If you are going to bed, it is advisable to take out your dentures for the night. This gives your gum tissue a chance to recover from having the pressure of the dentures on them all day long. Taking a break from wearing your dentures also reduces the risk of you feeling sore and makes it easier for you to acclimatise to your new teeth replacements. When you take off your dentures, make sure that you store them in a glass of warm water. If your dentures do not have any metallic clasps on them, you could add some vinegar to the water solution that will help in cleaning the dentures.

Do not manhandle your dentures

Although dentures are built for durability, this does not mean that they cannot acquire damage. A mistake some people make is to clean their dentures more roughly than they would their own teeth because they assume the dentures would be able to withstand this treatment. The reality of the matter is that dentures can easily break if not handled correctly, and this would inevitably lead to you having them replaced. Another thing to keep in mind when it comes to handling your dentures is that you should avoid picking at them with a toothpick or any other sharp object. This can cause damage to your dentures in the form of minor chips and cracks, which would lead to eventual deterioration of the dentures.

Do not ignore discomfort

If you begin to notice your dentures are not fitting as they did or if they have become increasingly uncomfortable, it is prudent to make your way to a denture clinic. Over time, the bones in your mouth can change and this will affect your gums too. If your dentures become ill fitting, you stand the risk of developing mouth sores, chronic pain and more.
