There are many diseases and conditions out there that are not as well known as those that affect hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Australian's every year. If you get diagnosed with vascular stenosis, then you likely have very little understanding or background information on what it is, so here is a quick summary of the condition and how it is found. Luckily, Australian health care is still very good quality, and there are hundreds of specialists and facilities that can help keep you from any serious problems associated with vascular stenosis.

What Is It?

Vascular stenosis is, put simply, the hardening and shrinking of the circumference of your blood vessels. That means the actual veins that carry your blood get a little bit smaller and harder to get through. Vascular stenosis can present itself in a range of different severities and areas in your body and can be caused by quite a long list of issues. These include smoking, diabetes, genetics and even an underactive thyroid, to name just a few. But how do you even diagnose something that is that small and only present in the soft tissues inside of the body?

Vascular Ultrasound

A doctor may have some idea that you have vascular stenosis due to the symptoms you provide, such as being dizzy when you stand up or your vision getting worse, and in that case, they will likely order a vascular ultrasound. While an X-ray only really gives you insight into hard tissue, such as bones, these machines are used to map out the soft tissue in the body so that medical professionals can get a good look at the affected areas. That is also why they are used for pregnant patients. In this case, the veins are what need to be evaluated, and often this is the first definitive proof that you have vascular stenosis. 

Looking Forward

There are two options for vascular stenosis treatment: preventative work and surgical options. There is currently not any medication that will directly affect vascular stenosis, and so it is often up to you to try and fix the underlying issue that will in turn stop this issue of vascular stenosis. If that is not an option, or it has been several years and there is no sign of the veins getting better, then your doctor may advise you to undergo surgery to remove some of the buildup and free up your veins. 
