Because a woman's body is biologically designed to bear children, it undergoes different changes. These changes include the menstrual cycle, hormonal changes and the growth and development of the entire reproductive system. Because of these changes and how they may affect a woman's health, it is required that you visit a gynaecologist at least annually and any time you feel that there could be a problem. Here are scenarios that a gynaecologist can be of assistance in:
Do You Want to Start or Get Off the Pill?
To prevent unwanted pregnancy, some women choose to take a birth control pill regularly to avoid getting pregnant. If these are your wishes, you should consult with a gynaecologist to find out whether taking the pill is a healthy option for you. Your gynaecologist may conduct several tests and ask you various questions to ensure that the pill is safe for you.
When you also want to come off the pill, maybe because you are trying to get pregnant, you also need to visit your gynaecologist to get guidance.
Your Menstrual Cycle Seems Irregular
If you notice anything wrong with your menstrual cycle, like if it is not regular, you are bleeding heavily you experience severe pain, etc., visit a gynaecologist. He or she will find out what is wrong and treat you accordingly.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
A gynaecologist also specialises in STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) or STIs (sexually transmitted infections). If you are showing symptoms of an STD/STI, which may include itching, boils, bumps, sores, smelly discharge, yellow or white non-smelly discharge, etc., a gynaecologist can help diagnose it and provide treatment.
Checking for Breast and Cervical Cancer
Women should have their breasts and cervix examined for cancer regularly. If you suspect that you might have felt a lump in your breast, visit a gynaecologist as soon as possible. If you discover later that the lump was a false alarm, don't worry — it's better to be safe than sorry. The gynaecologist can also teach you how to correctly examine yourself.
As for cervical cancer, you might not be in a position to examine yourself. It requires a pap smear test carried out by a gynaecologist.
If you are planning to get pregnant, you need your gynaecologist to conduct various tests to ensure that your reproductive system is healthy enough to carry a baby. The gynaecologist can also conduct a fertility test to find out whether you can have children.